  1. GSK Faculty (43)
  2. Sloan Kettering Institute Faculty (41)
  3. Department of Medicine (31)
  4. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (17)
  5. Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program Faculty (14)
  6. Tow Center for Developmental Oncology (TCDO) (14)

More Groups

  1. Elisa De Stanchina (5)
  2. Yi-Wei Tang (5)
  3. Alan Houghton (4)
  4. Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis (4)
  5. Jedd Wolchok (4)
  6. Bayard Clarkson (3)

More People

  1. Encyclopedia of Cancer. 2nd ed (26)
  2. Analytical Biochemistry (15)
  3. Cytokine (14)
  4. Advances in Cancer Research (10)
  5. Current Topics in Developmental Biology (9)
  6. Methods in Cell Biology (8)

More Publications

Results (131)

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