Cross-sectional analysis of the dermoscopic patterns and structures of melanocytic naevi on the back and legs of adolescents Journal Article

Authors: Fonseca, M.; Marchetti, M. A.; Chung, E.; Dusza, S. W.; Burnett, M. E.; Marghoob, A. A.; Geller, A. C.; Bishop, M.; Scope, A.; Halpern, A. C.
Article Title: Cross-sectional analysis of the dermoscopic patterns and structures of melanocytic naevi on the back and legs of adolescents
Abstract: Background Junctional (flat) naevi predominate on the extremities, whereas dermal (raised) naevi are found primarily on the head, neck and trunk. Few studies have investigated the anatomical site prevalence of melanocytic naevi categorized using dermoscopy. Objectives To identify the prevalence of dermoscopic patterns and structures of naevi from the back and legs of adolescents. Methods Dermoscopic images of acquired melanocytic naevi were obtained from the back and legs of students from a population-based cohort in Framingham, Massachusetts. Naevi were classified into reticular, globular, homogeneous or complex dermoscopic patterns. Multinomial logistic regression modelling assessed the associations between dermoscopic pattern and anatomical location. Results In total 509 participants (mean age 14 years) contributed 2320 back naevi and 637 leg naevi. Compared with homogeneous naevi, globular and complex naevi were more commonly observed on the back than the legs [odds ratio (OR) 29·39, 95% confidence interval (CI) 9·53-90·65, P < 0·001 and OR 6·8, 95% CI 2·7-17·14, P < 0·001, respectively], whereas reticular lesions were less likely to be observed on the back than on the legs (OR 0·67, 95% CI 0·54-0·84, P = 0·001). Naevi containing any globules were more prevalent on the back than on the legs (25% vs. 3·6%, P < 0·001). Naevi containing any network were more prevalent on the legs than on the back (56% vs. 40·6%, P < 0·001). Conclusions These findings add to a robust body of literature suggesting that dermoscopically defined globular and reticular naevi represent biologically distinct naevus subsets that differ in histopathological growth pattern, age- and anatomical-site-related prevalence, molecular phenotype and aetiological pathways. © 2015 British Association of Dermatologists.
Journal Title: British Journal of Dermatology
Volume: 173
Issue: 6
ISSN: 0007-0963
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing  
Date Published: 2015-12-01
Start Page: 1486
End Page: 1493
Language: English
DOI: 10.1111/bjd.14035
PROVIDER: scopus
PMCID: PMC4695311
PUBMED: 26189624
Notes: Article -- Export Date: 3 February 2016 -- Source: Scopus
Citation Impact
BMJ Impact Analytics
MSK Authors
  1. Allan C Halpern
    391 Halpern
  2. Stephen Dusza
    267 Dusza
  3. Alon Scope
    124 Scope
  4. Ashfaq A Marghoob
    518 Marghoob
  5. Mark Burnett
    12 Burnett
  6. Michael Armando Marchetti
    155 Marchetti
  7. Maira   Fonseca
    14 Fonseca
  8. Esther Chung
    12 Chung