Contribution of anemia to fatigue in the cancer patient Journal Article

Author: Sabbatini, P.
Article Title: Contribution of anemia to fatigue in the cancer patient
Abstract: One of the goals of the proposed National Comprehensive Cancer Network Practice Guidelines for Cancer-Related Fatigue is outlining a systematic approach to the evaluation, intervention, and assessment of outcome in the treatment of fatigue. Anemia has been characterized as a major contributor to fatigue, and a review of patients receiving cancer therapy showed that the majority developed anemia. The current data support the value of returning hemoglobin levels to the normal range in terms of maximizing improvements in quality of life related to anemia. The potential impact of anemia in terms of treatment outcome is under investigation.
Keywords: middle aged; clinical trial; fatigue; review; neoplasm; neoplasms; quality of life; erythropoietin; anemia; risk factors; risk factor; clinical trials; humans; human; male; female
Journal Title: Oncology (Norwalk)
Volume: 14
Issue: 11A
ISSN: 0890-9091
Publisher: C M P Medica LLC * The Oncology Group  
Date Published: 2000-11-01
Start Page: 69
End Page: 71
Language: English
PUBMED: 11195421
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: Export Date: 18 November 2015 -- Source: Scopus
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MSK Authors
  1. Paul J Sabbatini
    258 Sabbatini
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