TIN2 is a tankyrase 1 PARP modulator in the TRF1 telomere length control complex Journal Article

Authors: Ye, Z. S. J. ; De Lange, T.
Article Title: TIN2 is a tankyrase 1 PARP modulator in the TRF1 telomere length control complex
Abstract: Telomere length in humans is partly controlled by a feedback mechanism in which telomere elongation by telomerase is limited by the accumulation of the TRF1 complex at chromosome ends. TRF1 itself can be inhibited by the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activity of its interacting partner tankyrase 1, which abolishes its DNA binding activity in vitro and removes the TRF1 complex from telomeres in vivo. Here we report that the inhibition of TRF1 by tankyrase is in turn controlled by a second TRF1-interacting factor, TIN2 (ref. 6). Partial knockdown of TIN2 by small hairpin RNA in a telomerase-positive cell line resulted in telomere elongation, which is typical of reduced TRF1 function. Transient inhibition of TIN2 with small interfering RNA led to diminished telomeric TRF1 signals. This effect could be reversed with the PARP inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide and did not occur in cells overexpressing a PARP-dead mutant of tankyrase 1. TIN2 formed a ternary complex with TRF1 and tankyrase 1 and stabilized their interaction, an effect also observed with the PARP-dead mutant of tankyrase 1. In vitro, TIN2 protected TRF1 from poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by tankyrase 1 without affecting tankyrase 1 automodification. These data identify TIN2 as a PARP modulator in the TRF1 complex and can explain how TIN2 contributes to the regulation of telomere length.
Keywords: controlled study; unclassified drug; human cell; binding affinity; protein function; chromosome structure; telomere; complex formation; gene overexpression; protein dna binding; protein protein interaction; small interfering rna; rna, small interfering; in vivo study; in vitro study; enzyme activity; hela cells; transfection; recombinant proteins; feedback system; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide adenosine diphosphate ribosyltransferase; enzyme mechanism; telomeric repeat binding factor 1; protein modification; knockout gene; macromolecular substances; poly(adp-ribose) polymerases; telomere-binding proteins; tankyrase; humans; human; priority journal; article; protein tin2; telomeric repeat binding protein 1; 3 aminobenzamide; tankyrase 1; tankyrases
Journal Title: Nature Genetics
Volume: 36
Issue: 6
ISSN: 1061-4036
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group  
Date Published: 2004-06-01
Start Page: 618
End Page: 623
Language: English
DOI: 10.1038/ng1360
PROVIDER: scopus
PUBMED: 15133513
Notes: Nat. Genet. -- Cited By (since 1996):98 -- Export Date: 16 June 2014 -- CODEN: NGENE -- Source: Scopus
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MSK Authors
  1. Zheng-Sheng J Ye
    4 Ye