Confocal theta line-scanning microscope for imaging human tissues in vivo Journal Article

Authors: Dwyer, P. J.; DiMarzio, C. A.; Rajadhyaksha, M.
Article Title: Confocal theta line-scanning microscope for imaging human tissues in vivo
Abstract: Confocal theta line-scanning with line detection offers a simpler method for imaging human tissues in vivo. Both scanning and de-scanning is required in only one dimension, which significantly simplifies the instrumentation. The microscope is simple and consist of only seven components with minimal assembly requirements. An oscillating galvanometric mirror directly scans the pupil of a cylindrical lens and one-half of an objective lens to produce a focused, scanned line in the object plane within the tissue. The theta configuration eliminates out-of-focus multiply back-scattered light from the tissue which, strongly enhances the contrast. The theta line scanning design offers a new alternative that may lead to a simpler, smaller and inexpensive confocal microscopes for clinical and biological imaging.
Journal Title: Optics and Photonics News
Volume: 17
Issue: 12
ISSN: 1047-6938
Publisher: Optical Society of America  
Date Published: 2006-12-01
Start Page: 32
Language: English
PROVIDER: scopus
DOI: 10.1364/OPN.17.12.000032
Notes: --- - "Cited By (since 1996): 1" - "Export Date: 4 June 2012" - "CODEN: OPPHE" - "Source: Scopus"
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