Prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis Journal Article

Author: Sandhu, J. S.
Article Title: Prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis
Abstract: Prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis are prevalent disorders in men. The cause of prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis is multifocal and diverse. Both disorders exhibit characteristic elevation of serum prostate-specific antigen, currently the primary screening test for prostate cancer. Prostate inflammation, regardless of cause, is the histopathologic hallmark of chronic prostatitis. In general, inflammation is associated with multiple cancers, and prostate inflammation, in particular, is a suggested factor in the development and progression of prostate cancer. This review addresses the link between chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer, especially as it relates to clinical practice. Copyright © 2007 by Current Medicine Group LLC.
Keywords: clinical feature; histopathology; pathogenesis; review; cancer growth; clinical practice; prostate specific antigen; prevalence; inflammation; risk factor; prostate cancer; blood level; chronic prostatitis
Journal Title: Current Prostate Reports
Volume: 5
Issue: 4
ISSN: 1544-1865
Publisher: Current Medicine Group  
Date Published: 2007-11-01
Start Page: 191
End Page: 195
Language: English
DOI: 10.1007/s11918-007-0026-3
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: --- - "Export Date: 17 November 2011" - "Source: Scopus"
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Jaspreet Sandhu
    130 Sandhu