Fertility-sparing surgery in gynecologic oncology Journal Article

Authors: Sonoda, Y.; Carter, J.; Leitao, M.
Article Title: Fertility-sparing surgery in gynecologic oncology
Abstract: Gynecologic cancers are primarily diagnosed in postmenopausal women; however, these malignancies can also affect a significant number of premenopausal women. As more women progressively delay childbearing, a significant number who have yet to start or complete their childbearing will be diagnosed with a gynecologic malignancy. Thus, they must cope with not only a diagnosis during their reproductive years, but also with the physical and emotional after effects of treatment. Parenthood is an important aspect of quality of life for many cancer survivors and has drawn an increasing amount of public attention. Since many of the standard treatments for these malignancies result in permanent sterility, surgical fertility-sparing options for select young women who desire to preserve their reproductive function have been investigated. Patients must be aware that data on fertility-sparing procedures are limited, and some may consider many of these options as 'nonstandard'. These more conservative. approaches seem encouraging in the available literature, and should be discussed with the reproductive-age patient diagnosed with early cancer. The available surgical options for patients diagnosed with gynecologic cancers are reviewed here. Given that the care of these patients can be challenging and complex, it may be best provided by a multidisciplinary team that should include gynecologic oncologists, reproductive endocrinologists, perinatologists and, in many cases, psychologists. © 2008 Future Drugs Ltd.
Keywords: treatment outcome; review; cisplatin; paclitaxel; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; endometrium cancer; salpingooophorectomy; carboplatin; quality of life; computer assisted tomography; multiple cycle treatment; ovary cancer; etoposide; pelvis lymphadenectomy; alkylating agent; cyclophosphamide; vincristine; surgical approach; oncology; vinblastine; cancer survivor; patient care; health practitioner; early cancer; uterine cervix cancer; dactinomycin; bleomycin; medical specialist; intermethod comparison; postmenopause; gynecologic cancer; trachelectomy; female genital tract tumor; female fertility; megestrol acetate; medroxyprogesterone acetate; pregnancy outcome; fertility preservation; gestagen; parenthood; infertility therapy; transvaginal echography; female sterility; endocrinology; female genital system function; perinatology; psychologist
Journal Title: Expert Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
ISSN: 1747-4108
Publisher: Informa Healthcare  
Date Published: 2008-03-01
Start Page: 211
End Page: 221
Language: English
DOI: 10.1586/17474108.3.2.211
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: --- - "Export Date: 17 November 2011" - "Source: Scopus"
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Yukio Sonoda
    426 Sonoda
  2. Mario Leitao
    511 Leitao
  3. Jeanne Carter
    147 Carter