Models from experiments: Combinatorial drug perturbations of cancer cells Journal Article

Authors: Nelander, S.; Wang, W.; Nilsson, B.; She, Q. B.; Pratilas, C.; Rosen, N.; Gennemark, P.; Sander, C.
Article Title: Models from experiments: Combinatorial drug perturbations of cancer cells
Abstract: We present a novel method for deriving network models from molecular profiles of perturbed cellular systems. The network models aim to predict quantitative outcomes of combinatorial perturbations, such as drug pair treatments or multiple genetic alterations. Mathematically, we represent the system by a set of nodes, representing molecular concentrations or cellular processes, a perturbation vector and an interaction matrix. After perturbation, the system evolves in time according to differential equations with built-in nonlinearity, similar to Hopfield networks, capable of representing epistasis and saturation effects. For a particular set of experiments, we derive the interaction matrix by minimizing a composite error function, aiming at accuracy of prediction and simplicity of network structure. To evaluate the predictive potential of the method, we performed 21 drug pair treatment experiments in a human breast cancer cell line (MCF7) with observation of phospho-proteins and cell cycle markers. The best derived network model rediscovered known interactions and contained interesting predictions. Possible applications include the discovery of regulatory interactions, the design of targeted combination therapies and the engineering of molecular biological networks. © 2008 EMBO and Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Keywords: mitogen activated protein kinase; protein kinase b; s6 kinase; controlled study; human cell; raf protein; cancer combination chemotherapy; methodology; antineoplastic agent; accuracy; cell cycle protein; cell cycle; epidermal growth factor receptor; drug effect; cell line, tumor; breast neoplasms; phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase; mathematical model; models, theoretical; somatomedin c receptor; regulatory mechanism; quantitative analysis; breast tumor; cancer cell; mammalian target of rapamycin; tumor cell line; gefitinib; initiation factor 4e; phosphoproteins; molecular interaction; combination therapy; cell strain mcf 7; rapamycin; technique; model; phosphoprotein; theoretical model; 2 morpholino 8 phenylchromone; systems biology; n (2,3 dihydroxypropoxy) 3,4 difluoro 2 (2 fluoro 4 iodoanilino)benzamide; protein kinase c delta; pharmaceutical preparations; drug; nonlinear system; bioengineering; synthetic biology; network dynamics; network pharmacology; rottlerin
Journal Title: Molecular Systems Biology
Volume: 4
ISSN: 1744-4292
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group  
Date Published: 2008-01-01
Start Page: 216
Language: English
DOI: 10.1038/msb.2008.53
PUBMED: 18766176
PROVIDER: scopus
PMCID: PMC2564730
Notes: --- - "Cited By (since 1996): 39" - "Export Date: 17 November 2011" - "Source: Scopus"
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Neal Rosen
    419 Rosen
  2. Qing-Bai She
    31 She
  3. Wei-Qing Wang
    10 Wang
  4. Chris Sander
    210 Sander