Memorial Sloan-Kettering cures paperwork problems with document imaging Journal Article

Author: McBride, J. S.
Article Title: Memorial Sloan-Kettering cures paperwork problems with document imaging
Abstract: The world's largest cancer center, New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering, is finding concrete efficiencies--and real savings--by implementing "OSCAR" the Optical System Controlling Administrative Records. The system now handles more than 2.7 million documents, including patient accounts and medical records.
Keywords: united states; methodology; organization and management; cost control; financial management; economics; utilization review; cancer center; computer; medical record; cancer care facilities; new york; cost savings; efficiency, organizational; forms and records control; article; financial management, hospital; medical records department, hospital; optical storage devices
Journal Title: Computers in Healthcare
Volume: 14
Issue: 13
ISSN: 0745-1075
Publisher: Nelson Publishing, Inc.  
Date Published: 1993-12-01
Start Page: 38, 40
Language: English
PUBMED: 10130716
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: Source: Scopus
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