Future Oncology

Published by: Future Medicine  


  1. Department of Medicine (65)
  2. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (51)
  3. Gastrointestinal Oncology Service (14)
  4. Hematologic Malignancies, Division of (13)
  5. Surgery (12)
  6. Thoracic Oncology (12)
  7. Genitourinary Oncology Service (9)
  8. Survivorship Research (9)
  9. Center for Hematologic Malignancies (8)
  10. Breast Medicine Service (7)
Search Within
  1. Department of Medicine (65)
  2. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (51)
  3. Gastrointestinal Oncology Service (14)
  4. Hematologic Malignancies, Division of (13)
  5. Surgery (12)
  6. Thoracic Oncology (12)

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  1. Yelena Janjigian (6)
  2. Robert Motzer (5)
  3. Ghassan Abou-Alfa (4)
  4. Alexander Drilon (3)
  5. Saad Usmani (3)
  6. William Tap (3)

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Results (100)

Citation style sort is year ascending, and then by author or title. Author ascending is default.
  • Future Oncology – authorized name for:

    Name ISSN / ISBN Publisher
    Future Oncology 14796694 Charles Peterfy
    Future Oncology 14796694 The Authors
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Gilead Sciences, Inc
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Merck & Co., Inc
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Tanios Bekaii Saab
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 14796694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 14796694 Andrew Davies, University of Southampton
    Future Oncology 1744-8301 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 14796694 Seth H Jacobs
    Future Oncology 14796694 2017 Future Medicine Ltd
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Seth H Jacobs
    Future Oncology 14796694 AbbVie Inc
    Future Oncology 14796694 Unknown
    Future Oncology 14796694 2018 Future Medicine Ltd
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 AbbVie Inc
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
    Future Oncology 0890-9091 Unknown
    Future Oncology 1479-6694 Unknown
    Future oncology (London, England) 17448301 Unknown