  1. Head and Neck Service (786)
  2. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (786)
  3. Department of Medicine (783)
  4. Surgery (338)
  5. Survivorship Research (304)
  6. Radiation Oncology, Department of (293)

More Groups

  1. David Pfister (374)
  2. Eric Sherman (318)
  3. Nancy Lee (250)
  4. Alan Ho (219)
  5. Nadeem Riaz (146)
  6. Lara Dunn (128)

More People

  1. Journal of Clinical Oncology (200)
  2. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (130)
  3. Annals of Oncology (37)
  4. Cancer (32)
  5. Head & Neck (27)
  6. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (27)

More Publications

  1. American Society of Clinical Oncology (212)
  2. Elsevier Inc. (163)
  3. Wiley Blackwell (53)
  4. Oxford University Press (45)
  5. American Association for Cancer Research (44)
  6. Harborside Press (27)

More Publishers

Results (786)

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