  1. Epidemiology Service (1291)
  2. Epidemiology and Biostatistics (1291)
  3. Population Sciences Research Program (1181)
  4. Survivorship Research (612)
  5. Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research (376)
  6. Biostatistics Service (365)

More Groups

  1. Ann Zauber (302)
  2. Colin Begg (300)
  3. Irene Orlow (240)
  4. Sara Olson (232)
  5. Malcolm Pike (184)
  6. Jonine Bernstein (135)

More People

  1. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention (81)
  2. Cancer Research (50)
  3. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (50)
  4. Gastroenterology (46)
  5. American Journal of Epidemiology (42)
  6. Journal of Clinical Oncology (41)

More Publications

  1. American Association for Cancer Research (188)
  2. Oxford University Press (165)
  3. Elsevier Inc. (113)
  4. Springer (83)
  5. Elsevier Science, Inc. (72)
  6. Wiley Blackwell (71)

More Publishers

Results (1291)

Citation style sort is year ascending, and then by author or title. Author ascending is default.