Natural and acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic agents Book Section

Authors: Scotto, K. W.; Bertino, J. R.
Editors: Mendelsohn, J.; Howley, P. M.; Israel, M. A.; Liotta, L. A.
Article/Chapter Title: Natural and acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic agents
Book Title: The Molecular Basis of Cancer. 2nd ed
ISBN: 0721672914
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Co.  
Publication Place: Philadelphia, PA
Date Published: 2001-01-01
Start Page: 407
End Page: 422
Language: English
PROVIDER: manual
Notes: Book Chapter: 20
MSK Authors
  1. Kathleen Weihs Scotto
    56 Scotto
  2. Joseph Bertino
    363 Bertino