Increased occurrence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin's disease (HD) in families with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC (Lynch syndrome) Meeting Abstract

Authors: Teruya-Feldstein, J.; Cohen, L.; Ellis, N.; Greene, J.; Offit, K.
Abstract Title: Increased occurrence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin's disease (HD) in families with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC (Lynch syndrome)
Meeting Title: 90th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)
Journal Title: Laboratory Investigation
Volume: 81
Issue: 1
Meeting Dates: 2001 Mar 3-9
Meeting Location: Atlanta, GA
ISSN: 0023-6837
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group  
Date Published: 2001-01-01
Start Page: 180A
Language: English
ACCESSION: WOS:000166634901073
Notes: Meeting Abstract: 1060 -- Source: Wos
MSK Authors
  1. Kenneth Offit
    765 Offit
  2. Julie T Feldstein
    297 Feldstein
  3. Nathan A Ellis
    74 Ellis
  4. Lesley D Cohen
    5 Cohen
  5. Jessica   Greene
    3 Greene
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