Prevention of lung cancer Journal Article

Author: Stover, D. E.
Article Title: Prevention of lung cancer
Abstract: This is a review of current concepts in lung cancer prevention including primary or smoking prevention, secondary prevention or smoking cessation and tertiary prevention or chemoprevention of lung cancer.
Keywords: adolescent; adult; unclassified drug; review; cigarette smoking; cancer prevention; chemoprophylaxis; lung neoplasms; lung cancer; smoking cessation; smoking; carcinogenesis; celecoxib; colon cancer; nicotine; alpha tocopherol; retinol; beta carotene; primary prevention; amfebutamone; chemoprevention; nicotine gum; retinol palmitate; acetylcysteine; carotenoids; humans; human; male; female; nicorette cq
Journal Title: Comprehensive Therapy
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
ISSN: 0098-8243
Publisher: Springer  
Date Published: 2003-03-01
Start Page: 28
End Page: 34
Language: English
DOI: 10.1385/comp:29:1:28
PUBMED: 12701340
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: Export Date: 25 September 2014 -- Source: Scopus
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