Prostate cancer topography and patterns of lymph node metastasis Meeting Abstract

Authors: Tokuda, Y.; Kaag, M.; Gopalan, A.; Tickoo, S. K.; Guillonneau, B.; Eastham, J. A.; Scardino, P. T.; Scher, H. I.; Reuter, V. E.; Fine, S. W.
Abstract Title: Prostate cancer topography and patterns of lymph node metastasis
Meeting Title: 98th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)
Journal Title: Modern Pathology
Volume: 22
Issue: Suppl. 1
Meeting Dates: 2009 Mar 7-13
Meeting Location: Boston, MA
ISSN: 0893-3952
Publisher: Nature Research  
Date Published: 2009-01-01
Start Page: 197A
Language: English
ACCESSION: ISI:000262371500893
DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2008.217
Notes: --- - Meeting Abstract 892 - Suppl. 1 - "Source: Wos"
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Peter T Scardino
    668 Scardino
  2. Satish K Tickoo
    462 Tickoo
  3. Yuji Tokuda
    3 Tokuda
  4. Matthew G Kaag
    32 Kaag
  5. Anuradha Gopalan
    393 Gopalan
  6. James Eastham
    526 Eastham
  7. Samson W Fine
    439 Fine
  8. Victor Reuter
    1200 Reuter
  9. Howard Scher
    1111 Scher