Evaluation of the Ki-67 labeling index on immediate pre-ablation biopsies as a predictive biomarker of local recurrence of colorectal cancer liver metastases Meeting Abstract

Authors: Sotirchos, V.; Vakiani, E.; Kunin, H.; Ziv, E.; Erinjeri, J.; Silk, M.; Solomon, S.; Sofocleous, C.
Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Ki-67 labeling index on immediate pre-ablation biopsies as a predictive biomarker of local recurrence of colorectal cancer liver metastases
Meeting Title: 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR 2022)
Journal Title: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Volume: 33
Issue: 6 Suppl.
Meeting Dates: 2022 Jun 11-16
Meeting Location: Boston, MA
ISSN: 1051-0443
Publisher: Elsevier Science, Inc.  
Date Published: 2022-06-01
Start Page: S61
Language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.03.212
PROVIDER: cinahl
Notes: Abstract: No. 131 -- Accession Number: 157074563 -- Entry Date: In Process -- Revision Date: 20220527 -- Publication Type: Article -- Supplement Title: 2022 Supplement -- Journal Subset: Biomedical; Peer Reviewed; USA -- NLM UID: 9203369. -- Source: Cinahl
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Stephen Solomon
    401 Solomon
  2. Joseph Patrick Erinjeri
    175 Erinjeri
  3. Efsevia Vakiani
    242 Vakiani
  4. Mikhail Thomas Silk
    21 Silk
  5. Etay   Ziv
    97 Ziv
  6. Henry Samuel Kunin
    18 Kunin