VTE rates and safety analysis of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients receiving carfilzomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone (KRD) with or without rivaroxaban prophylaxis Meeting Abstract

Authors: Piedra, K. M.; Hassoun, H.; Buie, L. W.; Devlin, S. M.; Flynn, J.; Hultcrantz, M.; Lesokhin, A. M.; Lu, S. X.; Mailankody, S.; Shah, U. A.; Smith, E. L.; Landgren, O.; Korde, N.; Peterson, T. J.
Abstract Title: VTE rates and safety analysis of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients receiving carfilzomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone (KRD) with or without rivaroxaban prophylaxis
Meeting Title: 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Journal Title: Blood
Volume: 134
Issue: Suppl. 1
Meeting Dates: 2019 Dec 7-10
Meeting Location: Orlando, FL
ISSN: 0006-4971
Publisher: American Society of Hematology  
Date Published: 2019-11-13
Language: English
ACCESSION: WOS:000577160403107
DOI: 10.1182/blood-2019-124403
Notes: Meeting Abstract: 1835 -- Source: Wos
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Hani Hassoun
    298 Hassoun
  2. Alexander Meyer Lesokhin
    320 Lesokhin
  3. Sydney X Lu
    99 Lu
  4. Sean McCarthy Devlin
    567 Devlin
  5. Eric Smith
    74 Smith
  6. Carl Ola Landgren
    335 Landgren
  7. Neha Sanat Korde
    189 Korde
  8. Larry Wayne Buie
    25 Buie
  9. Jessica Flynn
    164 Flynn
  10. Urvi A Shah
    148 Shah
  11. Katrina Piedra
    1 Piedra