Solitary fibrous tumor of the pancreas Meeting Abstract

Authors: Yavas, A.; Tan, J.; Yilmaz, F.; Reid, M.; Bagci, P.; Shi, J.; Cavalcanti, M. S.; Shia, J. R.; Klimstra, D.; Basturk, O.
Abstract Title: Solitary fibrous tumor of the pancreas
Meeting Title: 109th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)
Journal Title: Laboratory Investigation
Volume: 100
Issue: Suppl. 1
Meeting Dates: 2020 Feb 29-Mar 5
Meeting Location: Los Angeles, CA
ISSN: 0023-6837
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group  
Date Published: 2020-03-01
Start Page: 1684
End Page: 1685
Language: English
ACCESSION: WOS:000518328803480
PUBMED: 32139842
DOI: 10.1038/s41374-020-0397-4
Notes: Meeting Abstract: 1798 -- Source: Wos
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Olca Basturk
    322 Basturk
  2. David S Klimstra
    976 Klimstra
  3. Jinru Shia
    670 Shia
  4. Aslihan Yavas
    10 Yavas