Surgical resection of granular cell tumor of the sellar region: Three indications Journal Article

Authors: Ahmed, A. K.; Dawood, H. Y.; Cote, D. J.; Bale, T. A.; De Girolami, U.; Laws, E. R. Jr; Smith, T. R.
Article Title: Surgical resection of granular cell tumor of the sellar region: Three indications
Abstract: Purpose: This case series evaluates the surgical management of granular cell tumor (GCT) of the sellar region. This rare entity presents a unique diagnostic and surgical challenge. Methods: Institutional neuropathology databases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital were searched for cases with a tissue diagnosis of GCT, and with a location in the sellar region. Patient, treatment, tumor, and follow-up data were extracted. Results: Three patients had a diagnosis of GCT of the sellar region occurring over an 18-year period. All three patients were followed postoperatively at our multidisciplinary pituitary center (median follow-up = 30 months; range 12–30 months). Hormonal disturbances, an incidental lesion requiring diagnosis, and neurological symptoms were indications for surgery in these patients. Two patients underwent a craniotomy and one underwent endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery. All three patients were free of tumor recurrence at last follow-up. In one case tested, positive thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) immunohistochemistry was observed. Conclusion: GCT is generally a benign tumor of the sellar region. Surgical resection is the standard treatment, more recently with transsphenoidal surgery when indicated. Surgical resection results in optimal outcome for patients. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
Keywords: adult; clinical article; human tissue; treatment response; middle aged; prednisone; histopathology; case report; postoperative period; neuroimaging; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; treatment indication; cell proliferation; radiation; tumor volume; glial fibrillary acidic protein; confusion; disease severity; basilar artery; tumor recurrence; endoscopic surgery; protein s 100; craniotomy; headache; craniopharyngioma; optic nerve; hydrocortisone; hypothyroidism; neurologic disease; testosterone; esophagus carcinoma; visual impairment; optic chiasm; hormone substitution; female infertility; vasopressin; case study; hormone release; medical history; galectin 3; hyperprolactinemia; bromocriptine; granular cell tumor; vaginal delivery; transsphenoidal; perimetry; oculomotor nerve; ophthalmoplegia; hypophysis adenoma; transsphenoidal surgery; hormone deficiency; nerve compression; pituicytoma; human; male; female; priority journal; article; optic tract; posterior cerebral artery; homeobox protein nkx 2.1; mammillary body; pituitary stalk; spider bite
Journal Title: Pituitary
Volume: 22
Issue: 6
ISSN: 1386-341X
Publisher: Springer  
Date Published: 2019-12-01
Start Page: 633
End Page: 639
Language: English
DOI: 10.1007/s11102-019-00999-z
PUBMED: 31620953
PROVIDER: scopus
PMCID: PMC8080114
Notes: Article -- Source: Scopus
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  1. Tejus Bale
    90 Bale