Skin cancer early detection practices among adult survivors of childhood cancer treated with radiation Journal Article

Authors: Geller, A. C.; Keske, R. R.; Haneuse, S.; Davine, J. A.; Emmons, K. M.; Daniel, C. L.; Gibson, T. M.; Marghoob, A.; Mertens, A. C.; McDonald, A. J.; Robison, L. L.; Howell, R. M.; Whitton, J. A.; Coroiu, A.; Leisenring, W. M.; Armstrong, G. T.
Article Title: Skin cancer early detection practices among adult survivors of childhood cancer treated with radiation
Abstract: Because rates of skin cancer are greater among adult survivors of childhood cancer who received radiation therapy than among the general population, the National Cancer Institute recommends skin self-examinations and annual physician examination. There has been no comprehensive assessment of survivors’ adherence to the skin cancer screening guidelines associated with skin self-examination (SSE) and physician whole-body skin examination (PSE). We conducted a cross-sectional survey of radiation-treated, adult 5-year survivors of childhood cancer, diagnosed between 1970 and 1986, in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort. Multivariate multinomial logit regression investigated the association between demographic, cancer diagnosis, patient activation, cancer treatment characteristics, and skin cancer screening practice. Among 728 survivors, 13.1% reported performing SSE in the prior 2 months plus receiving PSE in the prior 12 months, and 16.4% and 11.0% reported performing only an SSE or a PSE, respectively; 59.5% of survivors reported having had neither. Participants at the highest patient activation score were most likely to report SSE plus PSE compared with neither (adjusted relative risk ratio = 4.16, 95% confidence interval = 1.34–12.85). Most adult survivors of childhood cancer who had radiation therapy do not practice strategies that promote early detection of skin cancer. Interventions designed to activate survivors to increase their participation in screening are needed. © 2019 The Authors
Keywords: adolescent; cancer chemotherapy; child; controlled study; preschool child; school child; major clinical study; cancer radiotherapy; antineoplastic agent; cancer diagnosis; skin cancer; childhood cancer; infant; skin examination; newborn; cross-sectional study; self examination; childhood cancer survivor; human; male; female; priority journal; article
Journal Title: Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Volume: 139
Issue: 9
ISSN: 0022-202X
Publisher: Elsevier Science, Inc.  
Date Published: 2019-09-01
Start Page: 1898
End Page: 1905.e2
Language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2019.02.033
PUBMED: 30959042
PROVIDER: scopus
PMCID: PMC6708770
Notes: Article -- Export Date: 1 November 2019 -- Source: Scopus
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  1. Ashfaq A Marghoob
    518 Marghoob