Surveillance following polypectomy Conference Paper

Authors: Winawer, S. J.; O'Brien, M. J.; Waye, J. D.; Shike, M.; Kurtz, R. C.; Schapiro, M.
Editors: Rossini, F. P.; Lynch, H. T.; Winawer, S. J.
Title: Surveillance following polypectomy
Conference Title: 5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer: Biology and Management of High Risk Groups
Journal Title Recent Progress in Colorectal Cancer: Biology and Management of High Risk Groups
Conference Dates: 1991 Sep 24-26
Conference Location: Torino, Italy
ISBN: 9780444893109
Publisher: Excerpta Medica  
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date Published: 1992-01-01
Start Page: 83
End Page: 88
Language: English
PROVIDER: manual
MSK Authors
  1. Moshe Shike
    168 Shike
  2. Robert C Kurtz
    196 Kurtz
  3. Sidney J Winawer
    270 Winawer