The case for enterprise-wide optical disk archiving & work process re-design Journal Article

Author: McBride, J. S.
Article Title: The case for enterprise-wide optical disk archiving & work process re-design
Keywords: united states; organization and management; financial management; economics; cancer center; computer; cancer care facilities; new york city; information system; accounting; article; financial management, hospital; optical storage devices; accounts payable and receivable; management information systems; patient credit and collection
Journal Title: Healthcare Informatics
Volume: 9
Issue: 10
ISSN: 1050-9135
Publisher: Health Data Analysis  
Date Published: 1992-10-01
Start Page: 82
End Page: 84
Language: English
PUBMED: 10121041
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: Article -- Export Date: 30 July 2019 -- Source: Scopus
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