Enhanced ribosomal association of p27(Kip1) mRNA is a mechanism contributing to accumulation during growth arrest Journal Article

Authors: Millard, S. S.; Yan, J. S.; Nguyen, H.; Pagano, M.; Kiyokawa, H.; Koff, A.
Article Title: Enhanced ribosomal association of p27(Kip1) mRNA is a mechanism contributing to accumulation during growth arrest
Abstract: p27(Kip1) regulates the decision to enter into S-phase or withdraw from the cell cycle by establishing an inhibitory threshold above which G1 cyclin-dependent kinases accumulate before activation. We have used the HL- 60 cell line to study regulation of p27 as cells withdraw from the cell cycle following treatment with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). We found that the amount of p27 is maximal in G0 cells, lower in G1 cells, and undetectable in S-phase cells. In contrast to the protein, the amount of p27 mRNA was the same in these populations, suggesting that accumulation of p27 during the cell cycle and as cells withdraw from the cell cycle is controlled by post-transcriptional mechanisms. In S-phase cells, the degradation of p27 appears to predominate as a regulatory mechanism. In G0 cells, there was an increase in the synthesis rate of p27. Our data demonstrate that, in G0 cells, accumulation of p27 is due to an increase in the amount of p27 mRNA in polyribosomes.
Keywords: human cell; cell cycle proteins; cell cycle; cell growth; transcription initiation; gene expression regulation; rna, messenger; cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27; tumor suppressor proteins; polysome; cell cycle g1 phase; cell cycle g0 phase; cell labeling; ribosomes; growth inhibition; rna analysis; microtubule-associated proteins; hl-60 cells; cell strain hl 60; humans; human; priority journal; article
Journal Title: Journal of Biological Chemistry
Volume: 272
Issue: 11
ISSN: 0021-9258
Publisher: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  
Date Published: 1997-03-14
Start Page: 7093
End Page: 7098
Language: English
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.272.11.7093
PUBMED: 9054402
PROVIDER: scopus
Notes: Article -- Export Date: 17 March 2017 -- Source: Scopus
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MSK Authors
  1. Andrew C Koff
    105 Koff