Export - create a Bibliography

1 total works

The export will create one or more files that can be opened in a bibliographic management tool like EndNote or Reference Manager. If you have a registered bibliographic tool you should be prompted to open the file. If not, the export will be saved on your computer.
Click the export button to initiate the download.

Search Filters
group = Genitourinary Oncology Service
group = Pediatric Leukemia
person = Dara Ross
person = Efsevia Vakiani
person = Jacklyn Casanova
person = Jaclyn Hechtman
person = James Harding
person = Pedram Razavi
person = Sean Devlin
person = Zachary Heins
type = Journal article
year = 2017
person = Jonathan Wills
person_id = 15793

Export Format: RIS format (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite)

Export Format: CSV format (Excel)