268 Results


  1. Survivorship Research (268)
  2. Department of Medicine (145)
  3. Surgery (92)
  4. Population Sciences Research Program (81)
  5. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (79)
  6. Division of Subspecialty Medicine (54)
  7. Radiation Oncology, Department of (48)
  8. Breast Medicine Service (47)
  9. GSK Faculty (37)
  10. Pediatrics, Department of (35)
  1. Survivorship Research (268)
  2. Department of Medicine (145)
  3. Surgery (92)
  4. Population Sciences Research Program (81)
  5. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (79)
  6. Division of Subspecialty Medicine (54)

More Groups

  1. Michael Zelefsky (34)
  2. Clifford Hudis (30)
  3. Joachim Yahalom (20)
  4. Kenneth Offit (19)
  5. Jose Guillem (18)
  6. Allan Halpern (17)

More People

  1. 2004 (268)
  1. Journal of Clinical Oncology (44)
  2. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (15)
  3. Radiotherapy and Oncology (9)
  4. Annals of Surgical Oncology (8)
  5. Blood (8)
  6. Cancer (7)

More Publications

  1. American Society of Clinical Oncology (44)
  2. Elsevier Inc. (35)
  3. Springer (23)
  4. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (21)
  5. Oxford University Press (16)
  6. Wiley Blackwell (13)

More Publishers

Results (268)

Citation style sort is year ascending, and then by author or title. Author ascending is default.