2121 Results


  1. Department of Medicine (2121)
  2. Dermatology Service (2121)
  3. Dermatology (2121)
  4. Division of Subspecialty Medicine (2121)
  5. Survivorship Research (1275)
  6. Melanoma Disease Management Team (643)
  7. Population Sciences Research Program (529)
  8. Sloan Kettering Institute Postdocs (413)
  9. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (217)
  10. Hematologic Malignancies, Division of (171)
  1. Department of Medicine (2121)
  2. Dermatology (2121)
  3. Dermatology Service (2121)
  4. Division of Subspecialty Medicine (2121)
  5. Survivorship Research (1275)
  6. Melanoma Disease Management Team (643)

More Groups

  1. Ashfaq Marghoob (518)
  2. Mario Lacouture (440)
  3. Allan Halpern (391)
  4. Stephen Dusza (252)
  5. Kishwer Nehal (250)
  6. Milind Rajadhyaksha (221)

More People

  1. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (315)
  2. Journal of Investigative Dermatology (112)
  3. Journal of Clinical Oncology (111)
  4. JAMA Dermatology (92)
  5. Dermatologic Surgery (83)
  6. Archives of Dermatology (68)

More Publications

  1. Mosby Elsevier (319)
  2. American Medical Association (167)
  3. Wiley Blackwell (148)
  4. Elsevier Science, Inc. (138)
  5. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (132)
  6. Springer (128)

More Publishers

Results (2121)

Citation style sort is year ascending, and then by author or title. Author ascending is default.