79 Results


  1. Anesthesiology Service (79)
  2. Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (79)
  3. Surgery (20)
  4. Epidemiology and Biostatistics (16)
  5. Biostatistics Service (13)
  6. Survivorship Research (13)
  7. Josie Robertson Surgery Center (11)
  8. Graduate Medical Education (10)
  9. Sloan Kettering Institute Postdocs (9)
  10. GME, Surgery (7)
  1. Anesthesiology Service (79)
  2. Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (79)
  3. Surgery (20)
  4. Epidemiology and Biostatistics (16)
  5. Biostatistics Service (13)
  6. Survivorship Research (13)

More Groups

  1. Amitabh Gulati (24)
  2. Kay See Tan (12)
  3. Patrick McCormick (12)
  4. Anoushka Afonso (11)
  5. Gregory Fischer (10)
  6. Alessia Pedoto (8)

More People

  1. 2021 (79)
  1. Cohen's Comprehensive Thoracic Anesthesia (6)
  2. Current Pain and Headache Reports (6)
  3. Anesthesia and Analgesia (5)
  4. Annals of Surgical Oncology (4)
  5. British Journal of Anaesthesia (4)
  6. Gynecologic Oncology (3)

More Publications

Results (79)

Citation style sort is year ascending, and then by author or title. Author ascending is default.