Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology

Published by: S. Karger AG  


  1. GSK Faculty (1)
  2. Medical Physics (1)
  3. Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program Faculty (1)
  4. Radiation Oncology, Department of (1)
  5. Radiotherapy Physics Service (1)
  6. Sloan Kettering Institute Faculty (1)
  7. Survivorship Research (1)

Results (1)

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Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology – authorized name for:

Name ISSN / ISBN Publisher
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 0071-9679 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 00719676 Unknown
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 00719676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 00719676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology 0071-9679 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. Normal tissue reactions in radiotherapy and oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology: Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and Oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology; 3-D conformal radiotherapy: A new era in the irradiation of cancer 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology; 3-D conformal radiotherapy: A new era in the irradiation of cancer 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology; The lymphatic system and cancer: Mechanisms and clinical management 0071-9676 S. Karger AG
IMRT, IGRT, SBRT: Advances in the Treatment Planning and Delivery of Radiotherapy. 2nd ed 978-3-8055-9680-0 S. Karger AG
IMRT, IGRT, SBRT: Advances in the Treatment Planning and Delivery of Radiotherapy. 2nd ed 978-3-8055-9680-0 S. Karger AG
IMRT, IGRT, SBRT: Advances in the Treatment Planning and Delivery of Radiotherapy: Second Edition 9783805596817 S. Karger AG
Lymphatic System and Cancer: Mechanisms and Clinical Management 0071-9676 Karger
Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and Oncology 0071-9676 S. Karger AG