Journal of Surgical Oncology

Published by: Wiley Blackwell  


  1. Surgery (270)
  2. Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research (70)
  3. Survivorship Research (70)
  4. Department of Medicine (58)
  5. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (44)
  6. Population Sciences Research Program (39)
  7. Melanoma Disease Management Team (36)
  8. Sloan Kettering Institute Postdocs (33)
  9. Epidemiology and Biostatistics (32)
  10. Gastrointestinal Oncology Service (31)
Search Within
  1. Surgery (270)
  2. Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research (70)
  3. Survivorship Research (70)
  4. Department of Medicine (58)
  5. Solid Tumor Oncology Division (44)
  6. Population Sciences Research Program (39)

More Groups

  1. Ashok Shaha (34)
  2. Jatin Shah (26)
  3. Michael D'Angelica (23)
  4. Murray Brennan (22)
  5. T Peter Kingham (22)
  6. William Jarnagin (20)

More People

Results (355)

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  • Journal of Surgical Oncology – authorized name for:

    Name ISSN / ISBN Publisher
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 00224790 Wiley‐liss, Inc., A Wiley Company
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 10969098 Unknown
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Liss, Inc
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Unknown
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 00224790 Unknown
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 00224790 Wiley Liss
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 1096-9098 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 00224790 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 00224790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 1096-9098 Unknown
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 10969098 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 1096-9098 Wiley Liss
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Periodicals LLC
    Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell
    Unknown (0022-4790) 0022-4790 Wiley Blackwell