Phase I study of paxalisib and radiotherapy for CNS disease harboring PI3K pathway mutations: Pilot analysis of circulating tumor DNA for patient eligibility confirmation and post-treatment response Meeting Abstract

Authors: Imber, B.; Ravichandran, V.; Rao, P.; Casanova, H.; Friend, J.; Simpson, J.; Pike, L.; Zinovoy, M.; Mitchell, R.; Chacko, C.; Kotecha, R.; Somai, S.; Boire, A.; Gavrilovic, I.; Piotrowski, A.; Wilcox, J.; Malani, R.; Young, R.; Offin, M.; Diamond, E.; Yang, J.
Abstract Title: Phase I study of paxalisib and radiotherapy for CNS disease harboring PI3K pathway mutations: Pilot analysis of circulating tumor DNA for patient eligibility confirmation and post-treatment response
Meeting Title: 28th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
Journal Title: Neuro-Oncology
Volume: 25
Issue: Suppl. 5
Meeting Dates: 2023 Nov 15-19
Meeting Location: Vancouver, Canada
ISSN: 1522-8517
Publisher: Oxford University Press  
Date Published: 2023-11-01
Start Page: v74
Language: English
ACCESSION: WOS:001115245400290
DOI: 10.1093/neuonc/noad179.0289
Notes: Meeting Abstract: CTNI-07 -- Source: Wos
Citation Impact
MSK Authors
  1. Melissa Remis Zinovoy
    36 Zinovoy
  2. Robert J Young
    208 Young
  3. Jonathan T Yang
    159 Yang
  4. Adrienne Boire
    90 Boire
  5. Eli Louis Diamond
    178 Diamond
  6. Brandon Stuart Imber
    158 Imber
  7. Michael David Offin
    149 Offin
  8. Rachna Malani
    36 Malani
  9. Jessica Alice Wilcox
    24 Wilcox
  10. Pavitra Nagesh Rao
    4 Rao
  11. Luke R. Pike
    38 Pike
  12. Christina Chacko
    2 Chacko
  13. Somica Somai
    1 Somai